Skillful Observer
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Archive for August, 2010

There and back again …

Dienstag, August 31st, 2010

Quite much has changed, but not so fast.
First off i will be in eastern Asia almost all of September. Setting Hong Kong as a base, i will most likely visit Seoul and probably Beijing too. Everything beyond that is just speculation right now.

I will try to do live posts from there with some excellent tools i acquired in the past 18 months.
For pictures i will use my trusty Sony Alpha 300 with 2 tamron lenses (17-50 and 70-200mm) each f2.8.
For videos and the actual text i will hace to rely mostly on my cellphone, but never fear as it is an almost brand new Google Nexus One.
To post process some of the photos and as a backup for text i will brong an old laptop too, but most posts will come from my phone.

Now this is only possible because the cellphone carrier i am on offers free roaming in Austria, Italy, Sweden, the UK and Hong Kong. So as long as i stay in HK i will actually be charged the same rates as back home. This includes unlimited data traffic! Gotta love the possibilities of new technology 🙂

Check back tomorrow for a peek into the best photos i took in the past year and more updates on my travel during the September.