Free will … yeah right.
Montag, April 14th, 2008Many people take free will for granted. In fact, many legal systems around the world are based heavily on it. But see, i have a problem with that. Noone can tell what free will actually is and in what cases it is blocked (migitation of punishment) or how it work’s or is formed.
I read an article today about scientists that use brain scanners to see how decisons are buildt. They claim that they can’t find anything related to free will at all, because they can detect and even predict decisions way before people think they made them. This leads to the severe question what the hell this free will thing is everyone is talking about. If it doesn’t exist, what the hell do judges rule upon?
But what really concearns me the most is, that people at the very source of this research are in themselfs so insecure about their findings that they are throwing all kinds of apologetic statements at journalists interviewing them. Want an example? Here you are:
Maybe free will enters at the last moment, allowing a person to override an unpalatable subconscious decision.
What the hell man? You just found out what people are speculating for a long time and try to debase it in the same breath? What’s wrong with drawing logical conclusions?