April 1st Fools
Yep, the start as early as 31st March this year. The first one i found was about DirectX 11 and how it will support raytracing. Seeing as realtime raytracing might be just around the corner, i can see people falling for this.
We will see where April 1st is leading us this year.
Urin powering a whole bar.
xkcd.com refers to questionablecontent.net which refers qwantz.com which refers to xkcd.com
Blu-Ray defeatet by HD-DVD
WoW character class -> Bard
BBC’s flying penguins
Assassins Solid
Starcraft II Unit -> Tauren Marine
Youtube redirects any frontpage video links to a rick roll video
WoW Europe brings Molten Core to Consoles
Diablo Loot Pinata
Virgin + Google = Virgle